torek, 4. november 2008

FizzBuzz is back!!!

It's been a while since we read anything on our blog. Things are going to change soon! We are going to publish different texts (short texts) written by your school friends. And you are invited to write a comment to them in English, maybe ask the author a question or something else.
Our first author is Ines. Let's read what she has to say...

nedelja, 22. junij 2008


Do you watch Euro 2008? Who are your favourite team? Are they still in the game?

četrtek, 12. junij 2008

Are you green?

Green means ECO. You know we got our ECO flag last month. Do you think we really do all we could to help keep our nature clean? Do you turn off the lights? Do you use only as much water as you need? Do you recycle? I found this really interesting and funny web page. Check it out. Think about how 'green' you are and write your comment.

četrtek, 5. junij 2008


You are all well aware that holidays are almost here. I know about your last holiday. Now I would really like to know how you're going to spend them this year. If you have no plans then write where you would like to go, what you'd like to do, who would you like to spend them with! Just don't write you're going to sleep a lot!!!


petek, 30. maj 2008

Can you break the code?

I've written something in English. It's about something we all did this Thursday. However, to make things more interesting, I used a special code. Can you break it? If you think you can, write your answer in the comments.
Good luck!

And here is the secret message:


I know it looks horrible but it's actually quite simple! :-)


torek, 27. maj 2008

Welcome to your blog!

This is (y)our own blog. We will use it to practise English in an interesting and fun way!
And here is your first task:

Write your name and a few words that come to your mind (your interests, feelings, character etc.)! For example: Marko - crazy about Indiana Jones, Ana - love is in the air.

Be original! It will be posted on this blog!

Are you ready?

Since we have a test coming, you need to practise your Past Simple. Write a short text (5 sentences max) about your last holiday. You have to do it until 9 pm tomorrow(Thursday)! Don't be late!